Monday, October 10, 2011

#OccupyTogether Poster Video

You can download posters & leaflets for Occupy Together & Occupy Wall Street here:

I used my favorites to make a slideshow:

Azalea Software's New EU Web Site

Azalea Software, Inc. [Seattle WA] just re-launched their barcode web site for those living in the European Union.

Available in all 23 official languages of the EU, reaches out to those living in Europe who need barcode fonts and barcode software.

SEO for #OccupyWallStreet et al.

If you're anything like me you're turned on and energized by #OccupyWallStreet. I sure am!

I saw a request yesterday for Search Engine Optimization suggestions for those doing websites for #OccupyTogether et al. So I wrote one:

Read it, use it, share it!

Nerds @ Occupy Wall Street

It warms my geeky heart to see the technology in use at Occupy Wall Street. Not to be left out or out done, I dropped off a couple of solar panels to charge a 12v car battery or two at Occupy Seattle!