One might forget that JetCityOrange purports to be a photography blog. Sometimes other things get in the way or I lose my way or whatever.
Let's reaffirm what we all know to be true: yes, this is a photo site. With that firmly in mind, may I direct your attention to a site aptly named Camera Hacker. And with this link may I re-establish once and for all, JCO's primary identity.
Speaking of weird fotographee I had my implant work wrapped up today. Long story, big bill. The oral surgeon has this really kewl office complete with a panoramic digital xray setup. Stand on these footprints on the floor, bite down on this thingie, and this widget rotates around your mouth in an arc. No darkroom, no chemistry, and the xray shows up on a screen in your treatment room. Big shoutout to Dr. Chin in Bellevue. (yes, it's a classic aptronym.)
We now resume our regular programming...