Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We got audited.

Yes, the beaurocrats in Olympia decided in their infinite wisdom (sic) that Azalea Software deserved an audit. It seems they doubted we were paying enough sales and use tax into the state coffers. Right...

No, the bozo they sent out didn't send a letter in advance as he promised outlining what he was looking for and what he wanted us to prepare in advance. So we wasted a whole day doing the step'n'fetch it for this dude. What a waste. As if we're not going to strongly contest the $10K bill he left in his wake.

The best part was proving to him that no, we don't sell a lot of software in the state of Washington. Why? Because we sell a ton worldwide. No, we don't "manufacture" shrinkwrap products. Why? Cuz everyone buys off the net. As in ESD. Duh.
